Business Law

Business law is sometimes called commercial law and refers to the laws that govern the dealings between people and commercial matters. Business law is a set of laws that regulate the formation and operation of businesses and other commercial entities.

القيد في سجل وكالات الدعاية والإعلان والتسويق

Registration in the Register of Advertising, Publicity, and Marketing Agencies

Procedures for obtaining registration in the Register of Advertising and Marketing Agencies Pursuant to the provisions of Law No. (120) of 1982 and its Executive Regulations issued by Ministerial Decree No. (342) of 1982, and Ministerial Decree No. 962 of 2012. Administration of the Register of Advertising, Publicity, and Marketing Agencies: This administration is responsible for issuing the Register of Advertising, Publicity, and Marketing Agencies, in accordance with
Establishing companies in Egypt and branches for foreign companies

Establishing companies in Egypt and branches for foreign companies

Establishing companies in Egypt and branches for foreign companies. First: The regulating rules for establishing companies in Egypt: Trade law no. 18 of the year 1999 and companies' chapter from law of year 1883: Trade law no. 18 has been issued in 1999 and it states on canceling Trade law that was issued in 1883 except the chapter related to the partnerships and this is the issued law in 1883, the procedures of establishing partnership companies shall be governed.
The Establishment of Industrial projects in Egypt

The Establishment of Industrial projects in Egypt

The Establishment of Industrial projects in Egypt. Procedures and conditions for licensing the establishment of industrial projects in Egypt. The General Administration for Approvals and Industrial Licenses: The general administration of industrial approvals and licenses shall specialize in the Industrial Development Authority in issuing the approval on establishing industrial projects in Egypt
Registration of commercial agency contracts and registration in the agents’ registers and commercial intermediaries

Registration of commercial agency contracts and registration in the agents’ registers and commercial intermediaries

Procedures for obtaining the registration card in the register of agents, commercial intermediaries and foreign offices. According to the provisions of law no. 120 of the year 1982and its executive regulations by the ministerial decree no. 342 of the year 1982. Agents’ registers and commercial intermediary's department: It is the competent department by issuing the agents’ register (statement no. 14 S commercial agents) in accordance with the provisions of law no. 120 of the year 1982 and its executive regulations that were issued by a ministerial decree no. 342 of the year 1982.
Registering offices of foreign companies in the agents register and commercial intermediaries

Registering offices of foreign companies in the agents register and commercial intermediaries

Procedures for obtaining the registration card in the register of agents, commercial intermediaries and foreign offices for the foreign companies. According to the provisions of law no. 130 of the year 1982 and its executive regulations. Agents’ registers of foreign companies' department: It is the department that is assigned to extract (statement 15 S commercial agents) which specialized for allowing the establishment of scientific, technical or consulting services offices etc, for the companied or foreign establishments in Egypt according to the provisions of law no. 130 of the year 1982 and its executive regulations.
Obtain the registration card in the exporter register

Obtain the registration card in the exporter register

Procedures for obtaining the registration card in the exporter register according to law no 118 of the year 1975 and its executive regulation no. 275 of the year 1991 and its amendments. General Directorate of Exporters Affairs department: It is the competent department for issuing the registration card in the exporter register (Statement no 4 S exporter) according to the law no 188 of the year 1975 and its executive regulation no 275 of the year 1991 and its amendments and this is for individuals, companies of persons and fund companies, as well as public sector companies.
Obtain the registration card in the importer register

Obtain the registration card in the importer register

Procedures for obtaining the registration card in the importer register according to law no 121 Of the year 1982 and its executive regulations with a ministerial decree no. 343 of the year 1982 General Directorate of Importers Affairs department: It is the competent department for issuing the registration card in the importer register (Statement no. 4 S importers) for individuals and companies wishing to import for the purpose of trading in accordance with the provisions of law no 121 of the year 1982 and its executive regulations with a ministerial decree no 343 of the year 1982.


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