Registration of commercial agency contracts and registration in the agents’ registers and commercial intermediaries
Procedures for obtaining the registration card in the register of agents, commercial
intermediaries and foreign offices
According to the provisions of law no. 120 of the year 1982and its executive regulations
by the ministerial decree no. 342 of the year 1982
Agents’ registers and commercial intermediary's department:
It is the competent department by issuing the agents’ register (statement no. 14 S commercial agents) in accordance with the provisions of law no. 120 of the year 1982 and its executive regulations that were issued by a ministerial decree no. 342 of the year 1982, whereas for each natural person or juridical person normally performs without being associated with a contract of employment or a leasing contract of services by submitting tenders or concluding purchases, sales, leasing or servicing services on behalf of, and for the account of, the producers, traders or distributors, whether that person is an individual, a sector company or a business sector company.
First: Required documents for individual registration in the Commercial Agents and Intermediaries Register:
- Complete the assigned entry application (Form 1) signed by the person concerned before the competent clerk or certified by an accredited bank or upon an authorization from the person concerned certified by the bank.
- An official certified copy of the commercial agency or mediation contract that includes the commercial agents or mediators' nature of work / geographic and commodity scale / contracting parties responsibilities / commodities subject of transaction / applicable commission percentage terms of collection and currency in addition to the agent's commitment to notify Egyptian consulates overseas in case of any amendment regarding the contract.
- If the agency contract is issued by a foreign company, it shall be certified by the chamber of commerce concerned or any other official body in the given foreign country and authenticated by the Egyptian consulate concerned. A translation of the contract shall be attached according to applicable rules. Not before it becomes null and void the contract shall not be issued by a foreign company that has a public sector agent.
- Locally issued contracts (individuals – public enterprises) shall be authenticated by the Real Estate Registration while government entities (public sector) exclusively shall have the official stamp.
- An official certified copy of a valid Commercial Register certificate indicating that commercial agency is the core business of the agent's scope of work.
- An official certificate of expertise in the assigned field issued by the competent chamber of commerce and authenticated by the General Union of Chambers of Commerce only upon first time registration.
- Registration declaration according to the Ministerial Decree 362/2005.
- A copy of a completed tax card and identical to the commercial register data.
- A copy of the ID an official certified copy of birth certificate military status or acquiring the Egyptian citizenship if the applicant has a foreign origin and should be a foreign resident for a period no less than 10 years.
- An official statement of resignation or work termination approval for former personnel in the government or public agencies institutions local administration units public sector companies or public enterprises, provided that the personnel should have terminated his work for no less than 2 years.
- Declaration forms of the Commercial Agents and Intermediaries Register shall be signed by the authorized person before the competent clerk or certified by the bank.
- In case of re-entry the above-mentioned documents shall be filed enclosed with a security transfer application.
- All copies of required documents shall be enclosed with the original for verification.
- Entries are valid for 5 years regardless the time span for agency contract and shall be renewable every 5 years upon filing entry renewal application within 90 days prior to the date of expiry to avoid doubled fees in case of exceeding the applicable period else the entry shall be revoked administratively.
Second: Required documents for company registration in the Commercial Agents and Intermediaries Register:
- Complete the assigned entry application (Form 1) signed by (the person concerned/ authorized director/ chief of board/ delegate member) before the competent clerk or certified by an accredited bank.
- An official certified copy of the commercial agency or mediation contract that includes the commercial agents or mediators' nature of work / geographic and commodity scale / contracting parties responsibilities / commodities subject of transaction / applicable commission percentage terms of collection and currency in addition to the agent's commitment to notify Egyptian consulates overseas in case of any amendment regarding the contract.
- If the agency contract is issued by a foreign company, it shall be certified by the chamber of commerce concerned or any other official body in the given foreign country and authenticated by the Egyptian consulate concerned. A translation of the contract shall be attached according to applicable rules. Not before it becomes null and void the contract shall not be issued by a foreign company that has a public sector agent.
- Locally issued contracts (individuals – public enterprises) shall be authenticated by the Real Estate Registration while government entities (public sector) exclusively shall have the official stamp.
- An official certified copy of a valid Commercial Register certificate indicating the company headquarters that commercial agency is the core business of the company's scope of work – company capital should be no less than LE 20.000
- An official copy of company establishment contract and all related amendments registered. In case of joint-stock partnership limited liability companies a copy of the company registers including the company establishment contract, and mission statement, and should conform to commercial register data.
- A copy of a completed tax card identical to the commercial register data (public enterprise companies are exempted).
- The company shall present the last updated budget Submissions to the Tax Authority proving that the total company capital exceeds LE 20.000. In case the company has been established more than 1 year ago and commenced its scope of work, a certificated indicating the company capital has been deposited at one of the certified banks in the name of the company shall be Submissions (public enterprise companies are exempted).
- An official certificate of expertise in the assigned field issued by the competent chamber of commerce and authenticated by the General Union of Chambers of Commerce (public enterprise companies are exempted).
- The following documents shall be Submissions by all joint-liability partners, directors chief of board members and other persons authorized to management and signature listed in the commercial register (public enterprise companies are exempted):
- Registration declaration according to the Ministerial Decree 362/2005.
- A copy of the ID an official certified copy of birth certificate military status or acquiring the Egyptian citizenship if the applicant has a foreign origin and should be a foreign resident for a period no less than 10 years. This requirement should be applied on limited partnership while limited-liability companies shall be treated as individual agencies.
- An official statement of resignation or work termination approval for former personnel in the government or public agencies institutions local government units public sector companies or public enterprises provided that the personnel should have terminated his work for no less than 2 years (if applicable).
- Declaration forms of the Commercial Agents and Intermediaries Register shall be signed by the authorized person before the competent clerk or certified by the bank.
- All copies of required documents shall be enclosed with the original for verification.
- Entries are valid for 5 years regardless the time span for agency contract and shall be renewable every 5 years upon filing entry renewal application within 90 days prior to the date of expiry to avoid doubled fees in case of exceeding the applicable period else the entry shall be revoked administratively.