Intellectual Property
Intellectual property law is the area of law that deals with legal rights to creative works and inventions, writing, music, designs, symbols, names. Intellectual property work is critical to helping companies profit from their novel work.

Trademarks and Industrial Designs according to Egyptian law
Law No. 82 of 2002 had been issued promulgating law of protection of intellectual property rights and its executive regulation issued by the prime Minister decree No. 1366 of 2003, issuing Executive Regulation of Books One, Two and Four and decree No. 2202 of 2006 amending some Provisions of the executive Regulation of the third book of law of protection of intellectual property rights, which abolished the Law No. 57 of 1939 on Trademarks , Law No. 132 of 1949 on Patents and Industrial Designs as well as Law No. 354 of 1954 on copyright protection.

Copyrights and Neighboring Rights according
Neighboring Rights have developed rapidly over the last fifty years. These rights had grown parallel with copyright to include similar rights, however often being in lesser capacity and of shorter duration, which are: (1) Rights of Performers (for example, actors and musicians and singers) in their performance. (2) Rights of Producers of sound recordings (such as tape recordings and CDs) in their recordings. (3) Rights of Radio and television programs.

Patents, Utility models, According Law
Patent is an instrument issued by the State to the inventor that his invention meets the necessary conditions for granting a protection as a patent Which can protect the invention with protection conferred by law. Protection conferred by law on patents includes the owner’s right to be accounted alone for using the invention and exploit it financially. And thus enable the inventor to reap profits from such exploitation of the invention in exchange for uncovering the mystery of the invention upon the community.